soil washing plants
plants for the remediation of contaminated sites
In 2001, we designed and built for Brixiambiente (formerly PBR) the first process plant called "Soil-Washing," for the treatment (washing) of reclaimed land from contaminated sites and more general of all polluted earth materials. Since then, we have been specializing in this sector for which we now have a vast amount experience allowing us to assist both Italian and foreign customers with the most innovative customized solutions. Soil-washing technology is used to reduce the disposal costs of contaminated earthy materials. The environmental impacts of soil-washing are very beneficial because this process reduces the need for new quarries and landfills while guaranteeing the recovery of the fine gravel, gravel, sand, compost, and metals present in the waste materials. Soil-washing allows us to reintroduce materials into the market, creating a circular economy and a source of future income.
The innovative technology of these plants, widely documented and tested, provides an excellent economic value. The quality of the products obtained at the end of the soil-washing process meet compliance and safety standards for most local authorities who are responsible for operating concessions. Ask us for more information!
Soil-Washing is optimal for the treatment of:
gravel materials from remediation of contaminated soils
street garbage (collected by municipal sweepers)
waste from drains and drain grates
slags from MSW incinerators (municipal solid waste)
At the end of the washing and selection process, the following entirely recyclable products are obtained:
70-80% of sand and gravel for building use
5-10% of organic fractions convertible into compost
The basic system is comprised of machines that perform washing and granulometric and gravimetric selection. The treatment for the recycling of water with the extraction of sludge and pollutants is carried out by a chemical-physical plant designed ad hoc on the basis of the pollutants present in the material, which can be:
benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mineral oils, phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, cyanides and heavy metals.
ex Teseco spa ( acquired by Waste Recycling now Herambiente Group )